
update on the sleep schedule shift...

          So it's been a few days... actually coming up on a week... since I set my first goal of being in bed by 10pm, and so far, I've been doing pretty good! The first 2 days were more like 10:30 and 10:45, but since then I've been hitting closer to 10:15. I'd say that's progress, people! I'm not quite making the actual 10pm with any consistency, but considering where I started (2-3am or later) I'm pretty pleased :)
          I have to say  that this change has not come without its minor trials, though. There is definitely an adjustment period to this kind of drastic shift. A couple of nights I woke up after 4-5 hours and had a time trying to fall asleep again. Also, getting my brain to relax when I lay down has been an issue. More than once it's taken me well over an hour to finally slow my thought processes down enough to fall asleep. I was tempted to blog a time or two (as for the most part it has been post ideas running around up there),  but seeing as how I am using this as a means of accountability in my goals, it seemed rather counter-productive. I put a notebook and pen next to my bed to write my ideas in, as well as the inevitable to do list items that generally accompany them. Putting them in writing has actually helped a little, I am not spending a long time working through, or rather trying to not work through, each idea.
Anyway, we are at that time again, so I will bid you a lovely night and pleasant dreams...


getting down to the goal setting business...

So, I said that one of the ways I was going to use this blog was to explore (and whether explicitly stated or not) to track my progress on the road to better health. Well, part of that journey involves the act of goal setting. Following in that vein, may I proudly introduce you to goal number one:

*to be in bed every night no later than 10:00pm.*

A curfew! What? Craziness, right? I mean I am a fully grown adult, after all. If I want to stay up until 3 o'clock in the morning, that's my prerogative. Well, so is eating an entire box of macaroni and cheese, but it won't help me on my weight-losing, life-changing journey any more than my ridiculously skewed sleep schedule.

So this is a big one for me, and your prayers and encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Maybe tomorrow I will disseminate some of the scientific info on sleep and health, but as it is 10pm, I am already falling short of the mark on night number one...

sweet dreams,