
Checking In Page Intro

A recent google search for "take stock definition" turned up the following:

take stock
phrase of stock
1. review or make an overall assessment of a particular situation, typically as a prelude to  making a decision.

"he needed a period of peace and quiet in order to take stock of his life"

Synonyms: review, assess, appraise, evaluate;
Informal size up

I firmly believe it is vitally important to the eventual success of any endeavor to be completely honest about where you are when you start. I spent far too many years in a state of virtual life paralysis because I wasn't able to acknowledge the truth of where I was in my life or what I truly thought about any number of life topics. I can't speak to the motivations of anyone else, but for me, it was this inability to accept where and who I was (*cough* denial *cough*) that put me in a state of merely "marking time" with my life.

1.13.18 - 148.5 lbs.
It took me a lot of mental and emotional processing to realize that acceptance of my current state is not tantamount to solidifying it's permanence. There are certainly those who happily claim "this is just the way I am", but I'm pretty confident this practice has proven, and continues to prove, the exact opposite in my life. For example:

Saying "I'm not judgmental" -because I don't want to be (or perceived to be) judgmental- when, upon careful examination, the truth of my thoughts shows that I am... won't help me to change. But admitting that I am, however unintentional or undesired, guilty of making judgments about others will help me be aware of these thoughts from nascency and on guard against allowing such criticisms to fully develop.


Acknowledge where you are and if it isn't where you want to be... do something about it.


This is the mentality I'm using to direct the changes in my life. It is probably the biggest driver for starting (and restarting) this blog, too. I want to be taking stock of my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial wellness on a regular basis... examining what each of these mean to me at that given point in time and whether the path I'm on is leading me closer to the desired outcome.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by my blog! I sincerely hope that you got at least some small measure of food for thought in whatever you read.

Please know that I welcome any words of encouragement, confidence and solidarity you might have, as well as any comments with your questions, your disagreement, your challenging of my heart and mind to consider different perspectives, understand novel beliefs, and dispel ignorance wherever possible.

My only asks are that you are constructive in any criticism, considerate of everyone's right to their own opinion (no matter how mind-boggling their reasoning might seem to you) and courteous in your interactions with myself and any other commenters on this blog.

Intolerance for another's views, abusive language, or descent into personal attacks of any nature will result in comment removal.  

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